Login To Your
Online Class!
Once you have enrolled for THRIVE-2-Go, see the instructions below to access your classes!
Email us: info@thrivegymnastics.com
Call us: 410-995-8130
After signing up for Thrive-2-Go, click here and login using the username and password you created during registration.
Once logged in, click “My Library” at the top of the page.
Your Thrive-2-Go class will show up in your library, click the “My Classes” button to view your on-demand classes, skill videos, and bonus content.
Helpful Hints
If you forget the username and/or password you created during registration, email us at info@thrivegymnastics.com. We will be able to send you an email that contains your login information.
If you signed up for Thrive-At-Home, your Thrive-2-Go account will be created for you. You will receive a welcome email and an email containg a link and your login information.
And Don't Forget!
If you purchase a Thrive-2-Go class at full price, you are eligible to purchase a second class for 50% off! Email us at info@thrivegymnastics.com for more details.