School Year Camps
For information about Thrive Gym camps, you can reach us using the contact information below:
Phone: (Annapolis) 410-995-8130 / (Arnold) 410-709-8130
Email: camps@thrivegymnastics.com
Thrive camps are packed with fun for all ages! Each camp day includes fun in the gym, skill learning stations, STEM activities, time for exploration, cooperative games, imagination challenges and more!
Each day is jam packed with fun and learning!
At Thrive, we take Camp Safety as seriously as we take our fun. That is why all of our coaches have passed state and FBI background checks, have completed a Safe Sport training course, are USA Gym Safety Certified and have undergone extensive in-house training to provide the most positive experience for our campers!
Thrive Gym Camps are nut-free to ensure the safety of all campers.

Art-Nastics Camps
Call or email to register today!
Our Full Day Art-nastics Camp allows children to use their creativity and their muscles all in one camp! Children 5 years and older enjoy a 3 hour art workshop with Artworks Studios that uses a variety of art materials & ideas to excite the imagination and stimulate the senses. Campers then have time to learn gymnastics skills, build strength and challenge their flexibility. Our Art-Nastics camps are a great way to have fun, build skills, and make new friends!
$75/Per Day
** Each Camper Must Have Updated Forms to Participate ***
Time: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM